Friday, May 6, 2011

jamaica- sand and surf

Welcome back to Couples Negril!  Today's post is about the beach!  Enjoy the pictures, and dream along with me of being right there!

One reason why this beach is significant is because many resorts are along this 7 mile strip of beach located in a bay.  One day we took a walk down the stretch- it was the only time we ever left the compound.  We learned that we had the best beach, and the best resort!  Our beach was raked every morning and night, so no rift, and no sticks to step on while barefoot! 

Our beach also had guards at the ends of the compound.  We had to check in and out when leaving.  These guards do a nice job of making sure every guest is safe.  They also keep out the people who are not invited to our exclusive party  including children and sellers.  No one came up to us and asked us for money, on one tried to sell us anything as you would have expected.  It was wonderful!

this was our first few hours... drinks in hand

i took that- on a crapy camera... just imagine what it looks like in person!

see all the white things on the chairs- those are comfy to lay on, and are floats!  Just pick it up from your chair and take it to the water!  They also work in the many hammocks! 

We kayaked to this little island that was outside of the bay

i look happy.. this must ave been early on

yeah, he's my stud

one night there was a fire show on the beach!

this never gets old!

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