Thursday, June 2, 2011

reaching out- a heart for orphans

my heart breaks for orphans.  the loniless, the questions, the hopelessness, the pain, the needs- these all break my heart

Today, instead of posting about my simple life, my lack of job, my simple frustrations, or my tremendous blessings- I want to send you all on a little jounrny- 2 short trips to be exact.

This is the story of a small boy in ethiopia dying from starvation.  At over 1 year old he was still swimming in 3 month old clothing.  He moaned in pain every time he had to move his body.  He could not hold his head up for more than a few minutes at a time.  Well as it turns out he has several other issues to deal with.  On a trip serving a woman saw this boy.  They bonded right away.  She immediately knew he was her son.  This sweet boy was adopted in just a few months!  Thank God for that as now he can get his needs met.  This is their story, here are the details, and please read.  Be touched.  I believe in the power of prayer- help to make a differnce.

But don't close this tap too fast!  I have another trip for you to take.  This is the story of two brothers, separated in Russia.  In russia there is a sever stigma about orphans- they are hopeless. If a child has any specials needs- most commonly they are left just to suffer through.  These boys suffer from a disease which makes them break out in blisters when anything touches them.  A family found them, and knows how to help.  The cost of treatment in the US is irrational.  The cost of adoption is outrageous.  But because these boys have been separated this family will have to pay twice the facilitation fee to reunite the boys... that's over 18,000.00 in just facilitation fees!  Please read their story, the pictures are painful, but the words bring hope.  It will not take you long to get to know what they are going through.  People are stepping up, reaching out, and coming together to help this family, and share the burden.  Donating is easy.  Why not pass up that coffee today, or that 1$ treat you were thinking about, and instead give back to this family that is giving everything. 

You will be moved, you will be changed, and you will have mascara running down your face.  Let's all take a moment to look like raccoons today! 


  1. If I could adopt every orphan I would. My heart aches for all lonely children. A wonderful, humbling post

  2. Thank you for sharing these two stories. I love happy endings. Someday I'll have my own to share. =]

  3. Really heartbreaking, thanks for sharing this it is such an eye opener.....thanks for the follow, now following back:)


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