Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Newly-Whits cancel again...

We have been checking the weather since we decided to go camping.  It changes daily of course because we live in the midwest.  Well the camping trip was scheduled for tonight and tomorrow, however we have to cancel.
Why on earth are we not taking our vacation?  Because the weatherman is saying this is what we would be camping in....

So what to do now?  He is going to try to get that workday back(*he did).  And then On Thursday we are both off and we are going to clean the house during the day, and go to see Rigoletto at night.  We hope we are able to make it to Rigoletto, We have a membership which gets us free tickets to many shows, but we can't buy tickets in advance.  This normally isn't a problem but Rig is only showing Thursday night, and Sunday!

The Newly-Whit's new plan for our 'vacation'
*Wife works from 9-12 (Wed)
*Hopefully Husband works from 9-7
*Dinner at home
*Big Breakfast (Thurs)
*Clean the house
*Shopping at Crate&Barel, Old Navy & maybe even the mall!
*Rigoletto downtown.... wonder if we could find a bakery that would be open for dessert?

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