Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I was really wanting some curly hair one night- so i threw in the rollers for a couple of hours to see what I could get.
I got the front part here pretty curly, but not what I was wanting

so I pulled in back and bobby-pined the entire thing in random curls/spirls

throw in a hand made headband and the look worked great! (add some hairspray for the all day hold)


  1. See, now I have to go out and buy some hot rollers to see if I can do that with my hair!....blog hopping can be so expensive :)

  2. Just stumbled across your blog and love it! Too cute! Your curls look great. Saw Cincinnati on your side bar and I graduated from The Univeristy of Cincinnati! I love it there. New follower and just wanted to say hi = )

  3. Hey..last chance. Hopefully 3rd comment is a charm. Please email me re: my giveaway tomorrow morning I will be choosing a new winner if I don't hear from you! :(

  4. Totally love it!! I just wish my hair would actually stay like that all day though. And now that my hair is super short, I'd end up like Shirley Temple! Hahahahaha Love it on you though!


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