Yesterday I was out getting hot glue sticks. Walking away from the store I passed a Christian book store. I never noticed it there before. I decided that it wouldn't hurt to go in. But now, I must confess a little background knowledge.
I started going to church in high school. I went to a christian school and believe that Jesus is my savior. However, I no longer feel like I know him. It has been months since I picked up a bible, and longer since I have studied one. I am in a small group, teach sunday school, and attend church, but I can't seem to find the fire. Nor, do I want to try to find it or work for it. I don;t know why, but I have been pushing away from God. I decided earlier in the year that I should get a devotional book since I have time to read and what not. But I never got serious about finding one.
Flash forward to yesterday. I walk into the book store, feeling like a foreigner. I stumble around to the back to the store. After all I was just browsing. There right in front of me were the devotional books, There was a smaller section of them than what I have seen at other stores so I thought I would look. I ended up sitting down in the isle and going over 15 books that peeked my interest. I was feeling very stressed by the idea of choosing one book. A book is very expensive (by my standards). I finally found a book that used scripture, had a prayer, and related things to life. I am actually kind of excited about beginning this devotional book. But I am still scared. I have never had daily time with God, or even time on a regular basis. Here's to the Uncommon Devotional. (Link to Amazon for more info- although I was sad to see that it is 5 dollars cheaper online)
I am glad that you found this devotional, I hope that I come across one that inspires me soon! I will check this out!