Friday, December 30, 2011

I'm back....

Well it took about a month for all of our computer systems to get back up and running, but the newest addition to our family has been fantastic to me. The iPad, I love it! It treats me well, and goes with me everywhere. It already has become like family to me :)

In the past month in the classroom we did an inquiry unit. This means that all 23 of my firsties were researching, annotating, text coding, and preparing for a presentation on their own. I was just there as a guide, and it was SO much fun! Our semester ended on the 16th with a snow themed winter party. There should be drinks provided to first year teachers during this party! And I wasn't even in change! I get to see their cute faces again on the 3rd. It's been a good break (and well needed). And now I can go back to them forgetting all the things that frustrate me, and be reenergized.

Christmas with the Newley-Whits was fantastic! We really went all out for each other. Our tree was o er flowing! We had so much fun too. We spent eve with my parents and grandma, day at my parents house (including a bucket of margaritas, a bottle of patron, and a hot tub, yeah-my parents know how to party.) the next day we went up and sent the day with the rst of my family. It was at this time that my aunt and cousin announced they were expecting! My aunt has been trying for almost 10 years! I am so excited! And my cousin has been married for 3 years, and her sister had a baby a month or so ago.

Now for the important stuff, some pictures...... Now if only I could figure out how to add them from my iPad....(help please)

Friday, December 2, 2011

What's Cookin'?

I wish I could find the blog that I got his idea from- If it was you please comment at the bottom!  ((And THANK YOU!))

I needed a bulletin board for November.  My board space that I needed to fill is 6.5 feet by 13 feet.  Its in a busy hall so nothing too 3D.  I found this fantastic idea here in blog land (what a wonderful place). 

Each student told a parent volunteer how they would cook a thanksgiving turkey if it was their job for Thanksgiving this year.  The parent scribed what they wrote- and it was hilarious!  Another parent volunteered to type it up that night (talk about no fuss for me!)  and the last step was for the students to decorate it!  It turned out great!  File this one away under things to do next year (and I will file it away under be a better blogger and post this November 2nd instead of December 2nd.)

I decided that I needed a friend on this board, so I made this little guy as I was putting it together- he's taller than some of the first graders in my class....
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