Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wavin' the Flag

I should probably set this one up.  I went to college in the middle of nowhere.  There was 1 street, and there was 1 place in town (and icecream place so it worked).  The closet thing to a town was a walmart, and it was 30 minutes away.  We didn't have a lot to do in the cornfields, so we made up our fun, and had a ton of traditions.

One of these traditions is called Airband.  It's a lip-syncing contest on steroids.  Groups of students (most of the time about 30+) get together and perform the song.  If there is an instrument in the song, it has to be acted out, every vocal must be done.  And there there is the choreographed dance.  TONS of acts audition- only 10 get in.  and only 1 is chosen as the winner.

Well I wasn't there last year, so I missed this fun.  But I have heard a lot about it.  I finally remembered to look it up while I was at a computer with free time and well- I just had to share,

Enjoy the clip above the the multicultural students (and friends) performing Wavin' the Flag.  And something to note- all those folks holding up flags in the front row- yeah, those are the countries of which they are from!  There are tons of nationalities represented in this tiny school.  All flags being waved are of countries represented there.

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